In case you’re getting a new Mac, you can easily copy all your files from your old computer to the new one, with your settings, files, and folders intact. This is because Time Machine stores multiple copies of the file from days 1 to 5. So if you need to retrieve a version of a file with changes made on day 2, you can do so even after you’ve made several changes on the file from days 3 to 5. Time Machine has periodically created backups of the changes you’ve made every day. Let’s say you’ve been working on a file for five days. Since the scheduled backups don’t replace previously saved files and only save the changes you’ve made to a file, you don’t have to worry about storage space running out fast. It makes regular periodic backups in the following intervals: Time Machine is a backup system software for Macs that run on Mac OS X Leopard or later. What is Time Machine and why should you use it? Additionally, as its name suggests, you can see what files looked like an hour ago or anytime in the recent past. Not only does it let you restore your Mac to a happy working state after a crash, but it also lets you recover individual files or folders you may have accidentally erased. Your Mac’s Time Machine should be your primary backup system.