If the Startup folder is not set, highlight 'Startup' and click on 'Modify'.Start Word, go to 'Word > Preferences' and click on 'File Locations.'.Note: In non-English versions of Word, the folder named 'Startup' may be called 'Start' or be in the localized language of Word. Go to the folder Applications:Microsoft Office 2011 ffice tartup:Word and paste the file, 'Edit Paste.'.Open your hard drive and go to the following folder:ĮndNote X7: Applications: EndNote X7: Cite While You WriteĮndNote X6: Applications: EndNote X6: Cite While You WriteĮndNote X5: Applications: EndNote X5: Cite While You WriteĮndNote X4: Applications: EndNote X4: Cite While You WriteĬopy the file 'EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle' by highlighting the file and going to 'Edit > Copy.'.
'Perferences' under the Word pulldown menu and choose 'File Locations.' Make sure this points to Macintosh HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2008: Office: S tartup:Word.' This has been happening both with Endnote Online and X7.